Free online class for busy working moms

A lot of working moms tell me that healthy meal prep is one of the areas where they struggle the most. They have the best intentions to cook more, and to get healthier meals on the table.

However, life intervenes: youth sports practices, work-related travel, social commitments, etc. When life gets busy like this — and we don't have the right plan in place — home cooked meals fall by the wayside, and take-out becomes the new normal. Which is okay once in awhile, but not every day.

Too many restaurant meals and take-out burritos can leave us feeling bloated, low-energy, and burned out. On top of that, it makes us feel like a lame parent.

Which is a problem when you're a working mom — this gig would be a lot easier, and more fun, if we had more energy and felt better, right?

Register now for my free “lunch and learn” online class


Well, here's your chance to make a plan, and get fast, healthy meals onto your table. I'm sharing my meal planning and meal prep secrets in a new online class — it takes place this Thursday, March 3, at 12 noon, Pacific time.

I hope you can join me for this informative session. I've also scheduled in some Q&A time along the way.

Topics include:

  • The most common mistakes people make around meal planning — and how you can avoid making them.
  • How to plan a week of meals — even when you have evening commitments.
  • Easy strategies you can implement right away to get simple and healthy meals on the table on busy weeknights.
  • Discover the most powerful tools and resources at the grocery store and for your own kitchen.
  • Explore how to develop a better “Plan B” for healthier to-go and takeout options.


For details on this free online class, please click on the link below. 








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