I know what you did last summer.
OK, maybe I don’t know what you did last summer.
Not exactly.
But for starters, I’m guessing you didn’t spend your summer running from a sinister stranger with a hook for a hand.
If you’re like most people, though, I’m guessing your summer started out innocent and idyllic — in other words, paved with good intentions.
Maybe you said to yourself —
I’ll get into running now that the sun’s out!
I’ll eat more salads!
I’ll bring my workout gear on vacation!
But then summer got going, and by fall, you were living a horror movie of your own. At least as far as healthy habits are concerned.
And who can blame you?
Summer, by definition, is an invitation to party.
It’s like the holiday season, except it lasts three months.
Three months, people!
Three months of parties and get-togethers every weekend.
Three months of hot, sunny days that practically beg to be enjoyed with a chilled rosé or cold beer.
Three months of salted caramel ice cream, potato chip-fueled picnics, and plate after plate of barbecue.
And three months of weekend getaways, family and high school reunions, weddings, and extended vacations. And by the way, if you went the “all inclusive” route for food and booze on vacation last summer — holy tequila! — you’re probably still detoxing.
Sure there were some workouts. Maybe you even ran a half-marathon, or stayed pretty consistent with your regular exercise routine.
But here’s an unfortunate and pesky little truth: our bodies aren’t as resilient as they used to be.
We can’t party like rockstars for months, and then expect a couple of weeks at the gym to erase all of our bad behavior.
Working out more might have done the job in our 20s — and if you’re still in your 20s, consider this email a cautionary tale from your Future Me — but it becomes less and less effective as time goes on.
Sooner or later, you have to deal with the food part of things.
And not just the food. Making healthier decisions involves much more than just food.
You need a game plan, a laser-like focus — and a Plan B for when healthy food and drinks aren’t readily available — like when you go on vacation or travel.
You also need plenty of support and creative ideas for what you’re doing — because let’s be real. Living healthier habits isn’t summer’s default setting.
What is? Beer and barbecues. That’s what summer’s default setting is.
It's kind of cruel when you think about it. The season that requires you to wear the least amount of clothing can also be the most challenging when it comes to making healthy choices.
Still, living healthier habits during summer party season isn’t only possible — it can be fun and delicious and even socially acceptable, too.
The trick? Get ahead of it now, so you can start feeling confident and empowered in your healthier habits by the time summer rolls around.
Introducing: 21-Day Spring Reboot
I’m excited to announce my new spring program, the 21-Day Spring Reboot.
It takes place from May 1-21 — we start out with a transition week, followed by a 10-day guided cleanse (after Mother’s Day!), and then follow a 3-day transition period back to “real life” before the program wraps up on May 21.
The 21-Day Spring Reboot is specifically designed to help you transition to healthier habits NOW, so you’ll have a solid foundation in place by the time party season arrives with all of its temptations and indulgences. Plus, it can help out with winter weight or belly bloat before sundress and swimsuit season gets here.
The 21-Day Spring Reboot is similar to “detox” programs I've offered in the past — as before, I’ll be providing meal plans, recipes, and healthy lifestyle coaching.
In addition, I’m expanding the program to include new content around stress/emotional eating, time management for healthier habits, balancing hormonal issues, sleep, and weight loss.
Want more info?
Great! Just click here for details and registration!