5 Reboot Recipes for a Healthier New Year


Confession: the holiday season totally snuck up on me this year.

I started out strong, but then I left town to visit family, and my best intentions took a back seat.

Big time.

From one holiday party to the next, I forgot how many “tastes” of indulgent food I was having, how quickly these detours from my regular routine became habit, and how rare a virtuous day of green smoothies and salad and no booze could become.

But January's here — just in time! — to snap me out of party trance and bring pleasures of a less hedonistic nature.

I'm back to listening to my body’s cravings for a green smoothie, a big Mediterranean salad, and a simple yet satisfying bean soup for dinner.

This holiday season was exceptionally indulgent for me, and I’m thinking that maybe it was for you too.

So let’s leave all that behind us — no need to beat ourselves up about it, right? — and get back to our healthier habits.

I'm thinking: my regular workouts and some walks out in the fresh air, ample sleep, and, of course, healthy and delicious food on the table.

In order to help you out with your health-related intentions for the new year, I created a fun freebie for you…

This special PDF includes 5 recipes to keep your body healthier and happier in the new year.

All of these delicious recipes are plant-based, gluten-free, and dairy-free. They’re also very simple to prepare. Because we're all busy, right?

Here are the recipes you’ll find in this PDF:

  1. Blueberry Flax Smoothie: Packed with antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fat.
  2. Green Tangerine Smoothie: Take advantage of citrus season with this healthy smoothie.
  3. Kale Salad with Maple Tahini Dressing: Tame those bitter greens with this subtly sweet dressing.
  4. Creamy Dairy Free Tomato Soup: My makeover of the Pioneer Woman's Sherried Tomato Soup.
  5. Coconut Curried Lentil Soup: Hands down, one of my most popular recipes.

Ready to get started?


Click here to grab your freebie: 5 Reboot Recipes for a Healthier New Year.



monica metz

PS: If you could use a little extra support with your health kickstart this year, sign up for my next session of Camp Kale, my online coaching program. Camp Kale includes nutrition and healthy lifestyle guidance, daily coaching emails, meal plans, healthy recipes like the ones in today's freebie, and other support. For details and registration, click here. The early bird rate expires January 6, 2018!



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