How to make veggies taste better for picky eaters

This week, I went live on my Facebook page to talk about how to make vegetables taste better, especially for picky eaters.

Maybe these picky eaters in our lives are our spouses, our partners, our children.

And maybe you're in a situation where you're on that healthy lifestyle train — you want to eat more vegetables, you want to eat healthier — but you're having a hard time convincing the people you love to come along with you on that journey.

Well, if you struggle with getting your loved ones to eat more veggies — or you're just trying to enjoy more vegetables on your own — today's post is for you!


picky eaters


How to work with picky eaters on their veggie game

I'm always thinking about how to make vegetables more appealing to picky eaters.

And before we get started on my big three tips for today, I want to point out that working with picky eaters is a long game. You really just have to drum up some patience, and focus on progress, not perfection. It really does take some time to help people make a dietary shift to something healthier.

I say this from experience because, when our son was young (he's 13 now), I wasn't really into the healthy lifestyle. I was getting more interested. That's really part of why I decided to eat healthier — because I had him later in life.

But, I wasn't a health coach yet. And so, I did my best, and he ate a pretty healthy diet — but I wasn't great about introducing him to a lot of vegetables at a young age.

Because of that, we've had to play a little bit of catch up over the years. He has come a long way from where he was even just a couple of years ago, but it took a little bit of finesse. It took some time. It took some patience. And it took a lot of just trying things out.

To find out three of my top tips for working with picky eaters on their veggie game, check out the video or audio recording below.



Listen to the audio recording:


I hope this video helps you win over the picky eaters in your life. If you have any questions — or success stories to share — connect with me over on Instagram at @mospo. I'd love to hear from you!


monica spoelstra metz


PS: Have you downloaded my FREE Plant Powered Starter Kit yet? If not, what are you waiting for? It's full of tips and meal prep resources to help you get more veggies onto your plate, so that you can feel better and start living your healthiest life. Click here for the PDF.

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