Cashew Cream
Nowadays, there are recipes for cashew cream all over the internet, but I first discovered this wonderful dairy-free alternative through The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen.
This is your secret non-dairy weapon to use as you would heavy cream.
The “thick” version can be used to drizzle on soups (or add a cup to thicken the soup and add creamy texture).
Makes about a 1 1/2 cups of cream.
- 2 cups whole raw cashews, soaked overnight and drained
- filtered water
Step 1
Drain the cashews and place in a blender. Add just enough water to cover the cashews by 1 inch. Blend on high until very smooth.
If you don’t have a high speed blender, you might want to then strain the cream with a fine-mesh sieve.
Step 2
To make a thicker version, add just enough water to cover the cashews, then blend.