How Can I Help You Live a Healthier Holiday Season?


I'm getting ready to launch a new series of blog posts, online workshops, More Good Day Oregon TV segments, and other content around the theme of Healthier Holidays. Here's just a sampling of the stuff I'm working on:

  • Healthy recipes — for at home and at parties
  • Part-time detox strategies to help you maintain weight and feel better during the holiday season
  • Mindfulness and lifestyle tactics to help you stay grounded, and manage holiday stress
  • Video demos: smoothies, salad dressings/salads, and more
  • Powerful strategies for healthier food/drink choices at parties and gatherings
  • Healthy travel tips
  • Staying focused on your health goals during the year's biggest party season

Before I finalize everything, however, I'd love your feedback. I want to make sure I cover the topics you'll find most helpful.

Bottom line, I'm most interested in: what are your top 2 questions about trying to live a healthier holiday? 

To answer, simply click on the link for my 2-question survey below. It's super short, since I know you're busy — it'll take you about 30-60 seconds, tops!






MonicaGreenJuice-Rounded-100pxMany thanks for your help. I really appreciate it!
